Life Insurance For Mortgages

Before we discuss the nitty-gritty of the plans marketed by the banks and other lending institutions, let's get one thing straight. Would you go to your dentist if you are ill? Or, would you go to your family doctor? True, 
both are doctors, but their lines of specialty are totally different. Why, then, would a person take advice from a bank official (whose expertise is banking and NOT insurance) to purchase protection of his/her most valuable asset?
Don't get me wrong-bank officers may be extremely knowledgeable in the financial aspects of banking related issues, but insurance issues are far beyond their scope. They are only doing their duty by offering the mortgage plans available.
Therefore, getting advice and signing an extremely important document which can affect your entire family's financial future is something you have to take really seriously. An Insurance Advisor, on the other hand, is qualified to give you better advice on insurance related issues.
o Plans offered by an Insurance Advisor provide coverage that remains level for the term you select.
Mortgage insurance plans offered by banks relate to your mortgage balance, and obviously as your mortgage drops so does your insurance coverage. In this case, if you are happy about reducing your mortgage, remember that the insurance company is equally happy because this reduces their liability.
Bank mortgage plans are strictly rental (term) plans and that's about it. You do not have a choice.
o Our plans are traditional life insurance policies, the proceeds of which go to a named beneficiary tax free. The insurance policies are creditor proof, thus totally negating undue expenses such as probate fees.
When insurance proceeds from a bank plan are paid towards a property, those proceeds may be open to probate or creditors.
o With traditional life insurance plans, the choice of coverage amount is always yours and does not require mortgage documentations.
Again, as the coverage of bank plans relates to your mortgage balance, you do not have a choice. For instance, if you wanted an extra amount of coverage to protect your family, you would need to purchase it from elsewhere and unnecessarily end up paying an additional amount of money by way of policy fees.
o With the plans an Insurance Advisor offers, the choice of using the benefit amount anyway you choose is yours, and you can make any changes as and when you need. For instance, when you die, your spouse has the option of whether he/she wishes to pay off the mortgage in its entirety or not, as per the spouse's needs at the time.
With a bank policy the bank is the beneficiary; your family has no choice.
o Our plans are portable. They are not tied to any property. They are based on your life-not your house or any other asset.
